• The upcoming BOE special meeting on Thursday November 21, 2024 will be held in person only. This meeting will be live streamed and recorded. 

    The meeting will be available for those members of the public that wish to view but not participate.  They can do so using the livestream link provided below.

    BOE Virtual Meeting Link (Livestream Only)

    Anyone from the public can view the meeting as long as they log in with a gmrsd.com account.  Staff members and students can use their Great Meadows google account.  Members of the public that do not have a Great Meadows google account should login as livestream@gmrsd.com using the password of GreatMeadows!. This account and the Live Stream will open a few minutes  before the advertised start time of 6:00 PM and will close upon proper adjournment of the meeting by the members of the Board of Education.  Please check the "Help using the livestream@gmrsd.com account" link to the left for instructions on using the livestream@gmrsd.com account.

    Thank you for your attention to these changes to our virtual meeting format. We look forward to your participation.