• The Annual Agenda for the Regular Board Meetings shall be as follows:

    A. Opening- Roll Call                                                    H. Action Items
    B. Communications to the Board                                 I. Hackettstown BOE Representative's Report
    C. Superintendent's Report                                         J. Independence Twp. Representative’s Report
    D. Curriculum Update                                                  K. Liberty Twp. Representative’s Report
    E. Recognitions and Awards                                        L. New Business
    F. Committee Reports                                                 M. Unfinished Business
    G. Requests from Floor - Public Comment                   N. Adjournment

    * The semi-monthly meetings of the Great Meadows Regional Board of Education are always open to the public. The public is invited to participate in the following manner: (H) Requests from the Floor -- if you have a specific question, concern, or comment you wish to voice, this is the appropriate time to speak; (I,J,K) During B/E business -- if you have a question or comment about any topic before the Board, you may want to participate during this time. Anytime a member of the public chooses to participate in the B/E meeting, the B/E asks that the person (B/E Policy #0167): wait to be recognized by the presiding official of the B/E; identify yourself (name); and voice your question or concern.

    The B/E welcomes your participation as it acts on behalf of you and the district children.