• Earlier in the year ESSA or Every Student Succeeds Act was passed as the re-authorization of No Child Left Behind.  The New Jersey Department of Education has posted a great deal of information on their website for your information.  Title I Link 
    Please click the link below to see the Title I Parent Involvement Policy approved at the November 22, 2016 Board of Education meeting.
    Parent Compacts are an essential component of the Academic Support Program in the Great Meadows Regional School District.  The compacts below are a sample of what is offered at your child's school.  For the most up to date compact, please see your school specific web page.  If you have any questions regarding Title I and the parent involvement policy, please email Nadia Inskeep at ninskeep@gmrsd.com.
    The Great Meadows Regional School District offers a targeted assistance program in each of our three schools.  These programs offer academic support to students who are academically at risk.  Our goal is to provide additional supports to ensure students success.   Using the No Child Left Behind grant funding, Great Meadows is able to offer targeted assistance to students who the academic meet criteria that is determined by each school.