• Sports Physical Paperwork

     **Please note that we now have a new Physical Examination form as required by the State of New Jersey, as well as a new Health History Update form**

     Please be aware of the following information:

    1.  A sports physical is required to participate in any sport that we play against other schools (not needed for school clubs).

    2.  Physicals are only good for 365 days from the date of the physical (example July 2, 2011 -July 1, 2012)

    3.  Physicals done by a private physician have to be reviewed by the school's physician prior to participation.  As required by the State of New Jersey.

    4.  Physicals must be submitted on the State forms provided, or they will not be accepted.     

    Items needed to complete Physical Requirements

    1.  A current physical needs to be on file with the School Nurse.

                Sports Physical

    2.  To read the Sudden Cardiac Death Pamphlet and send in signed sign off form. 

                 Sudden Cardiac Death Pamphlet Sign Off Sheet 

    3.  To read the Opioid Fact Sheet and send in the signed sign off form.

                Opioid Fact Sheet

                Opioid Fact Sign Off Form

    4.  To read the Sports-related Concussion and Head injury fact sheet and send in with back signed.
    5.  Health History Update:
    This form is to be filled out only if you have a current physical (within 365 from the start of the first practice) on file with the School Nurse or if you are turning in a physical that is dated 90 days prior to the start of practice. (Example: Physical is dated September 1, 2013 and Volleyball starts on February 6, 2014, you will also need to fill out this form).


    Above you will find all of the necessary forms required to for a student to participate in any sport.

    All the forms are required unless otherwise noted.


    All forms are in PDF format